Welcome to August!— A great time here in Boston because it’s still summer and the weather has been Beautiful! August can also be a stressful time for all the young adults heading back to college, or heading to college for the first time.
Boston is a great city for College/University students with astounding academic institutions such as Northeastern, Wentworth, Simmons, Boston University, Harvard Medical etc. With so many students moving into the city at once it can be both exciting and overwhelming so we have compiled a list of college ‘essential tips’ for you to keep in mind.
- If you are bringing more items than can fit in your car- make sure you have your moving truck rented in advance! Moving trucks go quickly on college move-in weekend and you don’t want to be left without one!
- If you do rent a moving truck grab a lock for the back of it, it will be busy that day so make sure you keep your belongings safe & secure.
- Boxing your belongings will make your move easier; just make sure they are labeled! The fewer trips from the car to your dorm/apt. the better!
- Figure out what furniture is already in your dorm, Target may sell some cute colored lamps and chairs but your dorm may already supply them! Also some colleges/universities don’t allow outside furniture like beanbags for fire code reasons.
- Make sure you know where your unloading area and check in locations are prior to leaving your house! Campuses in Boston are large so you want to be entering the right building address into your GPS when traveling.
- Make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before- you want to get to campus early the next morning- the earlier the better! Make sure you are well rested so you have energy for all the lifting the next day.
- If you are planning on taking Storrow Drive with a large moving truck, TURN AROUND! Many trucks have made this mistake in the past, the bridges on Storrow Drive are too low for trucks to pass and you will crash into them! Reroute your GPS if it is taking you this way. Here is a map of Storrow Drive for more information http://www.boston.com/yourtown/specials/truck_crashes_storrow_memorial_drive/
- I know this day can be stressful and irritating but be nice to your parents! You may not be seeing them until Thanksgiving so remember to be pleasant and thank them for their help!
- Just Breath.
- Once you’re settled in there is no better way to be introduced to the City than through College Fest! College Fest is attended by students not just in Boston but all throughout New England. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy live entertainment, win free stuff and hangout with your friends! This year it is taking place at Fenway, so it’s also a great way to see the iconic stadium for free! They will also be doing Red Sox tickets giveaways!College Fest is September 12th from 11AM-6PM @FenwayParkPromo Video: https://vimeo.com/111256247Website for more information: http://www.collegefest.com/index.php
*enVsion Hotel Boston will be offering special freshman move in rates with a bonus survival kit! Also keep enVision Hotel Boston in mind for any accommodations you may need for friends and family visitors you may have throughout your four years in Boston!
Welcome and enjoy Beantown!